Sunday, July 18, 2004


Spent the last few hours in Borders, running through the various essays in "Accepted: 50 essays of people who made it to business school". One thing I concluded was that the common refrain you hear from AdComs and others in the know, about each and everyone being different, is so true! I guess just doesn't matter how similar your background, GPA, GMAT Scores, the way each and everyone of us deals with life and the lessons we take home from it are different. So in one way we are all like snow flakes, different from each other. It is absolutely impossible to copy or steal someone else's essay, because the story just won't apply to you. But reading those essays atleast gives me some perspective on what is expected out of me and the level to which I must bare my soul. This essay business is definitely an extremely personal, extremely soul baring process. Almost makes me resentful that anyone will actually read it.
I am not sure how many people actually sit and do this level of introspection through every part of their lives. I feel a little bad that I haven't done it for so long, and due to which, might have stumbled along the wrong path for some time without even knowing it. So I am looking at essays as a necessary evil.
Funny how every step of the application process is teaching me something new. I learnt that my mind was not fully stimulated during my GMAT, and how my English language skills had deteriorated. And now this from the essays. You live and learn.
Just found out that this blog had been listed on the League of MBA Bloggers, I was hesitant to add this blog to the list till today, as I wasn't quite sure of this medium, not to mention the lack of comfort over strangers reading my thoughts and feelings. But after reading all the other blogs out there, felt it can't be so bad. And hey it isn't like anyone will know me personally unless I choose to spill the beans.


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