Thursday, May 05, 2005


I am still at it, trying to get the problem reported a couple of days ago solved. It never ceases to amaze me at how humans deal with problems, for instance in this case, the first day I was all freaked out at the thought of a severe customer problem that probably has had some repercussions on their bottom line. But after spending a couple of days on the edge, working continuously under the pressure, something snapped in me today. I am no closer to the solution than I was a couple of days ago, but neither am I so tense about finding the solution.

I find myself taking a break every couple of hours to stretch and shoot the breeze with my colleagues when the thought of spending a single minute away from the computer was unthinkable yesterday. Strangely enough, I find that I am doing more now.

With that out of the way, I stumbled across the hilarious transcript of Laura Bush's speech at the White House Correspondents’ Association dinner. This is the dinner where tradition dictates that the president make fun of himself and the reporters who cover him.

Some excerpts from Laura's speech:

We met, and married, and I became one of the regulars up at Kennebunkport. All the Bushes love Kennebunkport, which is like Crawford, but without the nightlife. People ask me what it's like to be up there with the whole Bush clan. Lemme put it this way: First prize — three-day vacation with the Bush family. Second prize — 10 days.

Now, of course, he spends his days clearing brush, cutting trails, taking down trees, or, as the girls call it, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. George's answer to any problem at the ranch is to cut it down with a chainsaw — which I think is why he and Cheney and Rumsfeld get along so well.

and the funniest of them all
I said to him the other day, "George, if you really want to end tyranny in the world, you're going to have to stay up later."

A round of applause for wordsmith Landon Parvin, who wrote the speech. I wonder how funny the speech would truly be if the President actually had to write it? It is sad that we will probably never forget the immortal lines, "Ask not what your country can do for you ..." and always attribute it to JFK when the person who actually wrote those lines has probably lived and died in obscurity.

With that it is back to work.

EDIT: Typo. And while I am editing the page, wondered how many people realized that the date today was 05/05/05. How cool is that?

Anagrams of the day: ALLIV, NELIR, CEMESH and TOARRO.


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