Thursday, August 05, 2004

On schedule

Currently on pace to complete good drafts for all my Wharton essays by the end of the week. I have been following a simple strategy of writing about events that events that have affected me deeply. Doing so I find myself being very locacious and the drafts have been coming along very nicely. I haven't been limiting myself to the word count so far. I am instead trying to just capture all the outpourings of my mind on paper, leaving the editing for later, instead I use the word count more as a generic limit. Besides I feel it is easier to remove than add if I fall short of the word count. I wrote a draft yesterday and one today. I hope to get atleast the points of what I want to write about for Essay 3b down on paper, after getting home from work. It is imperitive to get the themes right also as far as possible, I am trying to use each essay to showcase a different side of me. This is akin to looking at a diamond (read me, Yeah Right!), from different angles.

As far as Essay 3b is concerned, I am not sure if I should write about an ethics, moral event or a personal characteristic. I used up my story for the ethics in my failure essay. I felt I learnt more from the failure than the ethics lesson which wasn't powerful enough. Guess I haven't lived dangerously enough. I don't want to write about crap like getting over paid and speaking up about it. So I might have to go with the personal trait but I have already covered leadership, team spirit and communication in previous essays, what other strong attribute do I want to portray?

Does anyone else feel that the 500 or even 1000 word limit is extremely inadequate for writing about yourself? How can I talk about such significant events in such few words.


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