Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Up the creek

With the pressure mounting, I was still confident of getting out all my applications on time, but now my manager just put a wrench in all my plans. I have been assigned a hyper critical issue in an area that I have absolutely no familiarity with. Which means intense pressure on the work front to first understand the background and then fix the damn problem. Normally I would love to get my hands dirty, learning new stuff and fixing problems, but now with so much pressure to meet R1 deadlines I am just mad that this had to happen now.

And all this right after I cooled down after my panic attack. :( Now I have to just suck it in and try to finish as many of my apps as I possibly can at all times of the day and night. To add to my cup of woes, Cornell refused to let me self report my undergrad scores, and now I need to scramble around to get that out of the way. It is going to prove to be a problem since I will have to beg someone to go to the University and get the transcripts and mail it to me. More tension and loss of time.

Initially I contemplating letting the deadlines slip a bit and target R2 for a couple of schools instead of hitting R1 but decided against it. I have too much riding on this MBA to allow myself the luxury of wallowing in self pity. Besides from all I have heard if you get more than 6 hours of sleep per night it is considered to be a luxury so this is as good a place to practice as any.


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