Wednesday, October 20, 2004


for maximum applications this year goes too ...

This person I was speaking with yesterday.

I was on my usual rant about taking on a lot more than I could chew comfortably when I happened to ask this gentleman how his applications were going. To my surprise (and horror), he mentioned that he had 4 in the mail, and was working on 4 more that were due in the next few days! I was staggered to say the least. Eight applications for R1? With another Seven scheduled for R2? Now that is what I call a full load.

With regards to Kellogg, I am almost done with final or close to final drafts for all the essays. I just need to proof them and shave a few words off each essay. I ultimately decided to go with double spaced, Times New Roman, 10 point font with 1" top margin and 1.25" side margins. I couldn't squeeze in my story in anything under that number. I find that 10 point font is not really that hard to read. I would have loved to use the 11 point font normally, but a couple of my essays just refuse to squeeze down. I have cut it to the bone, but losing more words will break the essence. And I am extremely happy with the flow of all my essays right now and consider them as some of my best works so far. Anything more or less will destroy its symmetry.


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