Friday, November 05, 2004


Just found out that Haloscan the company I use for my comments section apparently archives comments after 4 months, which means that if you are feeling down or bored and want to revisit old comments, you either have to pay them some fee on a yearly basis to access your comments or lose them all together. Now that has me wondering if I want to switch over to blogger comments. Though I don't like them as much and feel they are slower due to the silly registration crap. It might be worth it in the long run. I am not too happy over the fact that Haloscan doesn't have this limitation mentioned prominently on their web page. Only after you check their FAQ's under "my comments are missing" or some such topic, do you see this 4 month limitation being mentioned. Now does this qualify for a case of bait and switch?

No news from Wharton, so the wait continues. Trying to make reservations for my trip to Cornell, Wharton and HBS over thanksgiving, but the prices of car rental are through the roof, so I have been zapped out of Priceline already. What is with NY? I can rent a large car from San Jose airport for 18 $ a day, but in NYC the cheapest I have found is 35$ a day, and that is excluding insurance. Hotels in Ithaca are ranging at over 60 $ a night. Ridiculous value for money. Regardless of how expensive you think the bay area is, the other cities are not too far behind.


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