Tuesday, December 07, 2004


I was thinking just this morning that there are 15 days left before Wharton releases its numbers, and after getting to work I check Hella's blog and lo behold I see a countdown clock. Thought it was pretty cool, so decided to get one for my blog as well.

For those of you who are interested in getting the same, here is a link that will generate the code required for the countdown clock for you. You will need to modify your template to insert the code in an appropriate place.

I was reading a post by Graham with ClearAdmit which dealt with HBS numbers and it struck a cord with my thoughts on Wharton numbers. I know this topic has been much discussed and dissected, but for some curious reason, I keep coming back to the numbers to draw solace during the vigil. The numbers are:
Total number of applications : 1750
Total number of people interviewed : ~800
Minimum number of invitation from R1: ~450
Chances : ~1:2

So the odds are much better than law school when they ask you to look to the left and right with only one of the three people graduating. So I keep telling myself to keep the faith, there is always hope. After I was done with my interview, my interviewer gave me some idea as to the upcoming process. Apparently the interviewer has 48 hours to report to Wharton on the outcome of the interview, after which another AdCom will read the entire application from scratch with the added insight of the interview to complete the picture and make a recommendation to admit, deny or waitlist. This recommendation then goes to the admissions director who will read all the applications again and sit down to sculpt the class.

So considering that it has been close to 4 days since my interview, I expect my application is somewhere in the pile sitting on the AdCom's desk waiting judgment. Wanted to take a moment to wish it well. Going by the stated logic I would assume that the countdown clock I put up on my blog is pretty useless technically. Since the decision will be made on my case in the next couple of days the countdown clock is just useful as an outer boundary for the decision process.

I am counting on the admissions committee to wrap things up really fast considering atleast two people have read every application and commented extensively on it. It shouldn't take too long to deliberate on the final decision unless the application is a borderline case. Hopefully the results will be released sometime over the next weekend. So the unofficial countdown clock reads T minus 10 days.

Am I adding to the nerves or am I helping with my chain of thoughts? My current state of mind is slight nervousness, but otherwise calm. I think I am going to start a mood countdown calendar as well. And hopefully the last entry on it will be sheer ecstasy.

Interestingly I have friends interviewing with Wharton every day this week. So here is wishing them well. (You know who you are, do well and kick some ass).


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