Tuesday, May 10, 2005


It totally slipped my mind that some of the schools, I was dinged at, were offering feedback sessions, until I saw this note I had left for myself a month ago. While I have no intentions of contributing to their coffers next year, having invested so much of my soul, time and energy into the process I want to understand what dragged me down. Call me competitive or just anal, but I hate losing and the dings really stung. So now I am scheduled for feedback at both Wharton and Chicago in the next month (must remember to write myself a note for those dates). Appointments for the Chicago feedback session opened on May 1st, and they seem to be running out of spots fast; whereas the appointments for Wharton started being issued yesterday so should continue for another couple of weeks.

I got my grade for the accounting class I took yesterday, and I seem to have done fairly well. While not outright topping the class, I am close enough that the difference doesn't bother me too much. Unlike the first test where I had to fight with the instructor for being anal, this time around, I grumbled about him being extremely liberal, with his grading. It sucks in this instance because it has allowed the rest of the class to close the gap on me. The average GPA for this test was 3.54, compared to a 3.2 in the first test. That paints the picture better than any words.

I am also surprised that none of the accepted candidates wish to blog about the financial loan aspect of the MBA game. I would imagine that, that is a topic everyone would be most interested in comparing notes on. I will have something up based upon my research up shortly. Taking out this huge loan is not my idea of fun, but if it has to be done, it had better be done right.


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