Thursday, September 02, 2004

Are Kellogg applications out?

I was poking around on the Kellogg website looking for a copy of an old transcript request form when I stumbled upon the 2004 application. While trying to select the 2004 application, I clicked on the 'get latest copy' or some such link and it put me in an embark window that allowed me to log in.

Interestingly I could enter data, save it and all the good stuff. The essay questions were exactly those put forth this year. So I was wondering if I stumbled into some Beta test page for the 2005 application form. If so then it looks like the Kellogg applications will be out soon. They are probably feeling the heat of being the last school to release the applications.

Well check it out people and let me know what you think. Here is the link. Select the second radio button and click away. :)

EDIT: Okay Kellogg applications are definitely out! Here is one of the headers I found "Welcome to the official online application for Kellogg School at Northwestern University 2005"


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