Thursday, September 23, 2004


I was discussing Kellogg applications with Swoop last evening, confirming whether RA's/TA's should be incorporated in the employment summary. As usual he had some interesting things to say about that and other topics. One of which was interview topics, he mentioned that one of the questions asked to someone he knows in an interview was, "Why is water transparent?"

Now hearing that question, I instantly started thinking about refractive indexes and molecular properties. My answer at the end of my thought process was quite complex and geeky. This morning I was driving to work, when I decided to ask my wife that question, and in less than a split second answers, "it is the property of water". And I thought, hmmmm that is the right answer. People who don't have science backgrounds don't understand refractive indexes, but property of water it is bang on. Now that is what I hope to achieve with my MBA, leverage my current education and experience to understand the problem, but learn better communication skills that conveys the idea without getting lost in the technicalities. :)

Today I am going to work on Cornell drafts, so if anyone reading this is applying to Cornell or is a student there, feel free to drop me a line. It will be interesting to discuss the merits of the school.


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