Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Wow! Thanks Graham!

Received a short note from Graham of ClearAdmit fame this morning, answering the questions that has had us in a quandary (Kellogg's vague word limitations). His guidelines were in synch with Classy's recommendations (Times New Roman font, 11 pt.). But over and above the word limitation, he also provided a detailed analysis/guidelines on how to answer the Kellogg essay questions. Having just run through them, I must say they were bang on target. I realized I was drifting from the scope and actually risked not answering the some of the questions.

For which I have to blame Montauk! I was reading through the Kellogg essay he had up there, and if you notice essay 2 By Nitin Shravan is in a tangential plane to the scope. I am sure a lot of people are going to be a little confused by that essay which is up in an otherwise terrific book as an example of how to answer that question.

As you can tell I was pretty impressed by Graham's analysis. I probably should have followed up on Dave's post when he spoke about his conversations with Graham. Now I am a little concerned about my other essays.


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