Friday, September 10, 2004

Took the day off

Yesterday other than working on my transcripts I took the day off. Did absolutely nothing as far as the essays are concerned. I have been feeling stressed in the past few days and just wanted to take time off before a hectic weekend starts tomorrow.

This gave me lots of opportunity to sit down and actually watch some shows on television and catch up on my reading. So yes I saw the premiers of Joey and Apprentice. Joey was absolutely horrible, can't believe this show will last longer than a season. There is no story and unfortunately Matt Le Blanc can't act. That I am so dumb routine can only take you so far. Was it just me or did everyone else like Chandler (Perry) on Friends? I thought his sarcastic innuendos and hyper active acting was really funny. Add to that Monica's (Cox) peccadilloes made Friends actually interesting. The less said about Rachel and Phoebe the better. :) I know, I know a lot of people disagree with me, including my wife who loves the Rachel character.

Gotto stop for lunch. So more on the Apprentice later.

Back now for the Apprentice, I thought this time the group was much better. A lot more qualified people, who actually had some exposure from the last Apprentice to chalk out strategies, but the task they were assigned was truly pathetic. Come up with a toy? It was a situation where no one knew anything about the issue, so obviously the person who spoke the loudest was going to ram his/her thoughts across. Crustacious-whatever? I mean come on, you have to be a nerd to like that kind of stuff. I thought 9 people a team was just a little too much. Not sure if I will be catching too much of either show. This time though I thought Donald was a lot softer than before, but still pompous as ever. :)

Interestingly right after lunch, I found out that one of my colleagues is leaving. I was really sorry to hear that. We have a small but very close knit team, and the fact the we lost a member through a layoff, and now this, is like a blow. But what makes the blow doubly hard is that now I will have to pick up the slack which will increase my workload at just the wrong time. :( I am going to take a day off every week, till the application process is over, just so that I can finish all my apps on time.


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