Monday, November 15, 2004


Back from a somewhat busy weekend. I was working through most of the weekend researching the schools for which I have interviews scheduled. I am pleased to say that I am greatly heartened by the results. Though I had researched most schools, I hadn't drilled down to the bottom. This new insight is making me feel better about my choices so far. While I feel validated in my reasons to apply to the schools I targeted, I am a little bitter that I did not complete my initial research as thoroughly as I should have. I am now left wondering about the schools that slipped below my radar due to this lapse.

While I doubt I could have applied to more schools than I have already (I still feel guilty of dropping Chicago in R1), I would have liked the additional information, since it would have helped me make a more educated choice. Ah well what doesn't kill you, you learn from. Taking that into consideration, I just hope I don't repeat this lesson in the future.

This weekend TW (the wife), had to work some obscene hours working towards her deadline, and it was an interesting experience to support(??) her as she has been doing for me these past 7 months and more. I must say with all honesty, I did not quite measure up to her level of support. This has been acting on my conscience since she has always gone out of her way to be supportive and has never complained about giving up so much while/if I go to school again. While I hate to generalize on this sexist comment, I do believe that women are naturally more giving than men (this was not an excuse, just an observation).

On other news, after a weeklong self-imposed hiatus, I went back on S2S to read through hundreds of messages that had piled up. It was interesting reading, some of the stats reported on the interview thread are extremely intimidating to say the least. Makes me feel completely inadequate and my candidacy hopeless. I also found out that San Francisco has been decommissioned as an interview hub. With only international locations serving as hubs in the future, means that candidates in the bay area will either have to make the trek over to Wharton or interview with an Alumni. My past experience interviewing with alumni has led me to have very ambivalent feelings about the value of this new system.

Three more days and counting before the fat lady sings. Good luck to all the applicants out there.


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