Tuesday, December 14, 2004


I had a pretty disturbed sleep last night. I kept hearing knocking for some reason on our front door. There was an apartment fire last year that we slept through and memories of empty smoke filled corridors and the noise of fire engines are still vivid in my mind. That time we actually heard people knocking faintly on our door but paid no heed to it since we thought it was the wind, now if I ever hear the slightest rattle I usually make it a point to check outside. After one such incident last night I couldn't quite sleep properly, I kept dreaming about Wharton, walking on campus, running through both scenario's in my mind, analyzing my reactions. It was quite a strange feeling.

This morning, I did turn my cell phone on quite early in expectations of the phone call from Cornell that never came. I was pretty determined to not let myself get flustered over the miss and actually succeeded keeping away from the internet.

One of the reasons I wanted to maintain the stoic exterior was the element of near hysteria running through my past few posts as a common thread that I noticed as I briefly ran through the posts last night. It was an interesting observation since usually I am a lot more stoic with situations and rarely if ever let emotions show through. So want to stomp out impressions of my running around like a sissy screaming with joy or sadness.

Another interesting discussion was laid to rest today thanks to a post by summitcounty on BW forums. This was the one where I was arguing with BritChick about Wharton's policy of intimating its decision with the applicants. The truth of the matter is that everyone hears the decisions at the SAME TIME via the online status page. Apparently only after the status for each applicant is flipped do the calls start going out. There are a bunch of student volunteers and AdCom staff that are involved in making the calls to most admitted applicants on the same day. Pretty nice gesture and system actually. Prevents the panic attacks that probably build up when you hear lucky some people hearing from the AdCom before you know your fate.


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