Monday, January 10, 2005


Its funny that when you procrastinate over a task, you end up compensating in a different ways to meet the deadlines, that soon end up becoming a habit. For instance, take my attitude about essays. I am usually an early bird, with the early to bed early to rise mantra entrenched in my mind. But because of my procrastination over essays for various schools, most notably HBS, towards the end I had to give up on my sleep to get the hours I needed to write the essays.

So what happens next? Do I learn my lesson and stop procrastinating? Most definitely NOT! Why should I when the night is young? I have gotten so used to the hours that over the last weekend, I would goof off the whole day in anticipation that the night would provide me with enough hours to get the essays out of the door.

Sheesh! If only I would goof off less then I wouldn't need to work hard in the night. Easy to say, difficult to implement. With that said, I do have all my Chicago essays completed. Atleast some draft versions that I can sit back and edit at leisure after getting home from work. I find editing essays a lot easier than creating new ones. It took me most of the day yesterday to think up my Mascot essay, and I am not too happy with the end product. It just doesn't have the zing I like my essays to have before I submit them. So here is hoping for some creative inspiration. The other essays aren't too bad. I kind of like my celebrity and childhood hero essays. I thought I did a good job tying all parts of my story together. Will edit them for gloss and luster today and hopefully submit it by tomorrow. Don't want to wait till the 12th. If the system slows to a crawl, I doubt GSB will take a lenient view this time and extend the deadline again.


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