Tuesday, December 21, 2004


(I have been trying to get this blog entry posted all morning and most of the afternoon, but one thing after the other keeps coming up clamoring for attention. Finally got the time to wrap this post. Apologize over the disjoint statements that follow.)

Much as I would liked to mark this day for posterity, it will end up being a footnote in my life.

The official news is ... that there is no news. I am currently in a state of limbo, neither admitted, nor dinged, just wait listed. Pretty surprising for me really, since I was under the impression that my application would clearly distinguish me one way or the other. I was pretty prepared for a decision going either way. The wait list was the last thing place I ever imagined myself on. But such is fate. What that means is another 3 months of uncertainty as far as Wharton is concerned and a slight disruption of my plans for the next 8 months. We had promised ourselves a trip around the world if I got into Wharton, but now the pyramids and the sphinx at Egypt will have to wait a few more years. We are still planning to go on vacation in March but will limit it to the Asian continent. So I will probably be traveling when Wharton releases its results the next time around and even if I do get off the WL and into the class, I will miss the phone call.

Last night, I received delivery of the Gary Larson books. It tilted the scale at over 18 lbs! I can say very honestly that I did not think about Wharton and the result for a single second while I poured over the book. It is one of the best investments I have ever made. Every cartoon is hilarious. I was laughing out aloud and rolling on the floor with laughter. His older works are slightly different from his newer stuff, there is a lot more edginess and the figures are still raw but the humor is unsurpassed!

My reactions early in the morning? Raised eyebrows and a WHAT? I was logged in and out, under 30 seconds. Also logged on for a minute to the Wharton Chat, but it seemed like a private party with admits expressing their joy. So quit and got back into bed to catch some sleep. On waking up I did a run of the blogs and boards. I was pretty saddened to read about dings from some folks I was rooting for (PY, Swoop, onmyway, Raver, Durba, etc.). I must say I wasn't too surprised to see approvals ringing out for BritChick, Godidigo, Megami and Riter. These people were outstanding candidates in my mind and there is no loss of face to lose out to them in the applications game. Congratulations to the three of you. Wharton has done well to pick you. Also an additional congratulatory call to BritChick for making the day a double header with Kellogg in the kitty.

My feelings? Slightly disappointed but still optimistic. It is going to come down to class sculpting and I still stand a chance.

Plans for the future?

  1. Send in my check to Cornell
  2. Crank out essays for HBS and Chicago ASAP
  3. Register for classes at the Berkeley extension
  4. Contact my recommenders for two more recommendations.

I will have to put our ski trip planned for next weekend on hold till January. Giving me time to work on my essays and applications. More thoughts on being WLed and the math at a later time. Got to get back to work. Being unable to work for the past 2 weeks has left an avalanche of work on my table, but I made some major inroads today. Fixed a major issue that was threatening to put me underwater so I have some breathing room now.

Congratulations once again to the folks who got in. My best wishes to those who did not!


1-1-1 (No matter what happens Michigan is going to break the singleton record! I feel like a football coach now!)


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