Thursday, December 16, 2004


I have been trying to convince myself that despite the bird in the pocket (read one admit), I still need to stay on track and focus upon the goals I had set for myself while starting the admissions process. Unfortunately while crafting my strategy I never took into account the anxiety I would feel while awaiting the results, the time that preparing for interviews would take away from working on my second batch of applications and finally the lethargy that creeps up when you have one in the bag.

My goal initially was simple. Apply to 5 in the first round and 3 in the second. It then changed to 4 in the first round and 2 in the second. But the reality is that now I don't seem to be motivated enough to do justice to the essays for the schools in R2. I did discussed this issue with a couple of people (this was before the Cornell admit), and I assured them that I was absolutely focused and would achieve my goals but now I am not sure.

While I say apply to schools after an admit, doesn't go to imply that I am not passionate or enthusiastic about Cornell. I am otherwise I doubt I would have applied, but I like having options and the concept that I have choices available that I want to think about. I believe each of the schools I have applied too is special. Each will help me get to my goals in a unique manner. I did not decide to apply to multiple schools for safety reasons rather I applied to these schools because I liked each school for specific reasons. The fact that I was applying to schools in different rounds had nothing to do with hedging my bets, rather it was a part of a well crafted strategy in part and the time crunch that did not allow me to wrap all the schools in the first round for the other.

I am curious to hear the thoughts from the community. To the people who plan to apply in two rounds, what are your thoughts on the above scenario? Are you motivated for R2? Do you feel you are doing justice? Did you apply to R2 schools based upon strategy/time crunch, or is it a safety measure because you were afraid you wouldn't get an admit in R1?


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