Monday, January 17, 2005


Its been a while since I blogged, well make that posted. I have been blogging regularly or atleast starting posts. Just that I haven't been doing a good job finishing them, either due to interruptions at work or home. I have been saving them as drafts though. Maybe some day after I am dead and gone, blogspot can compile those unfinished posts and come up with an compilation. I am just be factitious. Ignore me, its been a long hard day.

I am done with the application process, but it doesn't seem like the application process is done with me. I am still pulling in long hours editing essays, just that this time the essays are not mine. A surprisingly large population of my friends who are yet in the midst of their application process have asked me to read and comment on their essays. I find myself doing a better job for them, then I did for myself. It was probably my proximity to my story that prevented me from seeing the obvious flaws in it. If only I had done as good a job for myself as I am doing for them I wouldn't need to add a disclaimer to the effect that my skills failed me when I need it the most and to take my advice since I don't use it anyways.

Despite all that, I find myself with a lot of free time on my hands and at a loss for things to do. With a single minded focus, I concentrated my all, on the applications and with it out of the way, it is like I am bereft of ambition. Luckily, the business course I registered for starts in early February, which should take care of my free time. If there is any time left over, I am planning to study for my CFA, which promises to be a bigger bitch than GMAT ever was. I am still investigating what it takes to successfully navigate a CFA, so if anyone out there has any tips, feel free to leave me a note. Will blog more on this as I learn more about what I am letting myself into.

Last weekend, we did not go skiing as we had originally planned, instead we went hiking. Kirkwood where we have season's passes too, has this little stretch of road that they close every once in a while for Avalanche control, and that makes it a pain to traverse. A 3 hour journey could extend to 6-12 hours. Dint want to go through that hassle so we switched gears to go hiking instead. Having invested several hundreds if not thousands of dollars on gear, (that has been gathering dust for the past 8 months), it seemed like an appropriate time to take the mothballs out.

It was a mindblowing experience to see the magnificent vista's that stretch before your eyes from the top. Sky diving to me is a thrill, the adrenalin rush is incredible BUT it doesn't quite satisfy you emotionally as a good hard climb to the top of a mountain. Regardless of the height (or lack) of the mountain you climb. I seem to have strained some ligaments in my leg, but the overall experience left me cursing myself for missing out on the fun for the applications, which by all indications did not seem to give me the results I was looking for.


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